We offer defective products at Great Deal in our warehouse. These items may have minor cosmetic flaws but are fully functional and deeply discounted. Since they are available on a FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED BASIS and restocks are irregular, we encourage you to visit us in person to inspect and purchase.
For more information, our sales team is ready to help with details on stock and product conditions. Contact us or visit the warehouse anytime
Dents occurred during transportation, and repairs are required.
Scratches occurred during transportation and handling, but they have been repaired, though not perfectly.
Paint was chipped during transportation, and touch-up work is needed.
The product has developed rust from being stored outdoors, which needs to be addressed.
Tell us what you want and make an appointment to view imperfacts in our warehouse.
Come to one of our warehouse to check details of imperfects and inspect quality.
Decide the final price of imperfect product and place order immediately.